Saturday, December 1, 2007

Princess Pillow

When Maeve rides in the car, she cannot just ride like any other pooch. We put two purple pillows where she usually lays, so when she jumps in the car, she immediate curls up onto the pillows. She's such a darling!! :)

Maeve meets the Snoop Dogg

A couple weeks ago, Maeve got to meet Mr. Cosmo, the first dog that we trained. It was very good to seem and he looks excellent!!

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Aside from hanging out with the pumpkins, Maeve and my mother are going to be bumble bees at work =) There will definitely be pictures from that! Hah!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Seeing Double

Miss Maevey has company this weekend!! Maeve's sister, Ivy, is spending the weekd with us. They are constantly playing and it's pretty crazy...but I think that they've finally tuckered themselves out. It's very funny when whatever Ivy picks up Maeve all the sudden has to have. When I gave them ice cubes, Maeve, the Ice Princess of the world (who come running when the freezer opens) finishes hers immediately and then goes over and just takes Ivy's away from her. So I put a coupld ones on the floor for them and i think Ivy finally got at least one.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

A Well Syled Chick

Of anything to have for a favourite chew toy, she loves the purple plastic comb. Of course, now she can't use it for her grooming, but maybe she thinks she is grooming her little soon-to-be-big toophers.

She also likes the ice cream scoop. She knows that she is going to be spayed and that the only men in her life are Ben and Jerry :)

P.S. Sorry all the pics are old. I felt guilted by everyone saying that they check the blog and I haven't been keeping up. I didn't realize how many people acutally kept up with it! Maybe people should leave comments? ;) hah I tried but I grabbed the wrong camera cord. So please bear with me with school starting and my lack of internet at my mother's house.

Some Little Kid Has A Broken Heart

While walking Maeve one day on a not so hot day in August, we found an orange ball. She was very interested in it. So, I made a bargain. If she would carry it home, she could have it, and some little child would have to go without. And carried it home she did.

hahha notice her little puppy stretching froggy legs :) it would be adorable if she did it forever :)

Where Are The Dog Days of Summer?

Where has summer gone? It seems like it wasn't too long ago that we got the Little Miss, and we spent the hot days outside with her drinking lemonade...and today when I was at the Fall Into The Arts fair in Edina, I had goosebumps! I
Here is an picture of Maevey from earlier this summer when she was being precious (...well that is a lie. She is always precious. :] ) while laying out enjoying the heat. I think the first snow shall be interesting :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Sleeping Like A Starfish

In the article "What your sleep position says about you", Maeve's prefered sleep position would best be defined as a starfish.

Lying on your back with both arms up around the pillow. These sleepers make good friends because they are always ready to listen to others, and offer help when needed. They generally don't like to be the centre of attention.

I must say I don't think this applies to dogs.Maeve, is a good friend and a good listenr, but she LOVES to be the center of attention. Acutally, its partially true. She does offer unwanted help, often. She will retrieve whatever, whenever. Silly girl. Good gravey miss maevey

Flip Flops: Fashion For All

Maevey loves flip flops. when she was a little baby, she renjoyed chewing on them, but now, she enjoys laying by them. She will put her paw in it and rest her face, its pretty sweet. It's nicer when she doesn't chew on them.

See, what girl doesn't love the ever fashionable flip flops?

Monday, August 13, 2007

All Dressed Up and Ready To Work

Here is the Little Miss in her little working outfit!! We love the hott pink Gentle Leader [thank you Nancy D!!] She still kind of sctraches at her pack like it is ticking her belly! However, she's getting pretty good with ther Gentle Leader! :)

Another Playdate with the Brother

Sorry it's been so long! I just moved with my dad so I haven't had any time to update! Here's another puppy playdate!!! Reggi has the blue collar, and maeve has the pink. In the picture where they are sitting next to each other, Reggi is on the left, and Maeve on the right.

Growing Girl

Maeve is now at a whopping 30 pounds!!! :)

Sunday, July 22, 2007

My Famous [sorta]Half-Brother

Maeve's "half-brother",Cosmo's[our first service dog],brother made his big debut tonight on Fox 9 News.

Here is the link if you want to check it out. Very cute story, a little tear jerk thinking about our Mr. Blue [Cosmo's nickname]. You have to copy and paste it into your address bar.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Kongo Kongo

Maeve is figuring out the Kong. The greatest dog toy ever. She loves peanut butter and jumps around like a maniac when you go to the stove where the peanut butter is. She's even beginning to throw it to get the treats out.
There are three different Kong sizes. The smallest is the puppy kong, which is good for teething and we chose a pink one. The next is the "big dog" size, when she's a little bigger. The football is cool, and a little trickier and we are trying to introduce it to her so that she can be successful. It's fun to watch her succeed. :)

Ohhh Brother!!

Today, Maeve's brother Reggie came for a playdate. They are pretty neck and neck in weight, both at 19 and 1/2 pounds!! They are pretty big in comparison to their litter when we asked others last night. I must say [even though it's a little off topic] that Beckham has some amazing attention, and it's so sweet. They played for about an hour and 45 minutes. It was some intense playing :) They enjoyed playing in the water dish and digging, or both shoving their darling faces into the dish together. Playing included a lot of wrassling. They enjoyed a couple quick rounds of tug-of-war, which is the green rope in the picture. Here are some wild action photos. They just had to roll in the small patch of dirt. That concluded with a puppy bath. She was quite skinny when all wet!!!!

Beauty Sleep In The Wrong Place

Little Miss was just exhuasted during class. It was hard to get her up and motivated. She's so sweet. We love her.

Princess Bling Bling

Cosmo's [Our first service dog that we trained] 3rd birthday is on July 25th, so we went to Target Boutique to get him a birthday present. We found a cute AKC Sporting Squirrell. Very cute. But we couldn't resist the temptation to buy the Little Miss a little something...or two. The best purchase for her so far, [aside from the hott pink collar and leash] was, a big, rubber, PINK ring. Adorable.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Fluttering Eyelashes.So Girly.So Glam.

Maeve had another uneventful day. A little training, and she got into retrieving today :) She loves the attention. I think that she's starting to learn her name. Her best skill that mom is SO proud of is when she comes in the back door, she sits. It comes in quite handy in the winter or when it rains. It gives us time to wipe off her paws!

And for the title. I just think that her eyelashes are so adorable. They are so girly and glam. They are just little and cute. I can't really get over it!

Monday, June 25, 2007

Neighborhood Exploration

The Little Miss has been on her first walk since my last written blog. I just got back from a half hour walk around the n'hood with her...and guess how far that took me? Four blocks. Of course, Maeve has to sniff everything. We even found a very cool orange ball!!
She walks well on the leash with a lot of encouragement :) She met two older women, who both offered that "Anytime you go out of town and need a puppy sitter, just knock on our door. And I'm serious about that offer."
...I'd personally rather not leave her with a complete stranger, but it was a sweet offer :)

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Wonderful World of Water

Maeve had a very exciting new discovery!!! We took out the baby pool for her. She had so much fun with her cousins and playing in the water. Her cousins are Maggie [a big Border Collie x Saint Bernard mix] and a mutt of everything [the little black dog]. Maeve got verrry frisky! She's such a little duck :)